Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are at risk. To avoid jeopardizing their safety and security, the identities have been obscured in online material.
H.M. is a national leader serving in a dangerous part of Asia. H.M. is married with three children. H.M. had a hard time growing up as a Christian because he was asked questions about Christ by his classmates but didn’t know the answers. He started going to church regularly so that he could answer all the questions his classmates were asking him. H.M. never stopped hungering for knowledge of God and went to Bible School so that he could share his love of God with adults, just like he did when he was a child. He has now been in ministry for over 30 years and is teaching at the seminary. Please join H.M. as he continues to share his relationship with God in his community and as he teaches new pastors.
DOB: 04/03/1970