“I was born into a traditional family at a time when my country was dominated by Soviet communist dogmas. A search for a more meaningful life along with an inherent intellectual curiosity urged me to start visiting an Evangelical church during my adolescent years. I soon began reading the Gospel of John. The words of Jesus, regarding our need to be born again, deeply touched my heart and mind. I understood my sinfulness and the need to attend a God-fearing community. As a result, I confessed my sins, asked God for forgiveness and committed my life to the Lord.”
After several years of training, God has given National Leader NP a strong ministry. He recently shared his vision with AMG saying, “What I want to see in my ministry is for the Gospel to be faithfully and effectively communicated through the translation of Christian literature. Often, I am encouraged by the positive feedback of people who have read and studied the Bible lessons I translated. As a language coach, I have been blessed to witness the improvement of the language skill level of my students who are now serving as missionaries for the Gospel. As a result, we are seeing people come to faith in Christ. Likewise, those who already confessed their faith in Jesus are developing a deeper commitment to the purposes of God’s Kingdom.”
Pray for this wonderful teacher as he continues to faithfully teach and disciple God’s children. In addition, please consider supporting him financially. Through our combined efforts, even more people in this community will hear the Good News! Thank you for your partnership.
Some of AMG’s National Leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are at risk. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities have been obscured.
DOB: 09/28/1970