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Some of AMG’s national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities of this dedicated couple and their family have been changed for this web description. IG lived a double life for a number of years. Although he regularly attended church, he was held in bondage to the sins of the flesh and didn’t care much for his family. One day, the Lord spoke to IG and he decided to repent from his sins and turn his life around. Soon, he began ministering to his fellow villagers, and now there are currently 100 people attending Sunday services in a thatched church in his village. IG's wife teaches the women in the village stories about the great women in the Bible. Together, they conduct thanksgiving, prayer and gospel meetings in the surrounding villages, while distributing New Testaments, Gospel tracts and other Christian books to aid people in their spiritual journey. The couple have four children. Please pray for the spiritual development of church members and also for an increase in members to be added to His church for His glory.
DOB: 07/08/1954