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AMG Ministries in Peru

AMG’s ministry in Peru started in a small childcare center in Huaraz, Peru with 48 children. Today, AMG ministers to children in four childcare centers in both Lima and Huaraz along with our National Workers sharing Christ and discipling new believers. Families in Peru face many difficulties, with children suffering the most. Many of them deal with alcoholic fathers. Often times these children are abused or left to fend for themselves. Mothers, who have no trade or profession, are abandoned to care for their children alone. Some children are forced to work on the streets selling candy. Many teenagers become involved in violent gangs. Through the sponsorship program these children find a safe haven at the childcare centers where the love of Christ is shown and a hot meal is served. At each childcare center the director strives to help not only the child but their entire family through education, counseling, and Bible study. God has blessed AMG’s ministry in Peru with many opportunities to help those in need and share the hope found in Christ. Please pray with us as we look forward to all God has in store for the ministry in Peru.