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Church Planting 2025

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and Banda Aceh City is the most radical. This province was given special permission to govern under Shariah Law. This is a region steeped in religious devotion, and where “Aceh is Islam and Islam is Aceh” is more than a saying. It’s a way of life. Yet, amidst this spiritually dark and resistant environment, God is moving.

Dodi was born into one of the few Christian families. Growing up, his faith was never a personal choice until he moved away from his family and began working in a factory. He felt alone and was feeling hopeless. He realized he needed God, found a local church, and recommitted his life to Christ. That decision changed the course of his life and planted a vision in his heart—to reach the unreached. The Lord has been using him ever since. Dodi and his family have dedicated their lives to a vision far greater than themselves—bringing the light of Christ to one of the most unreached people groups in Indonesia: the Acehnese.

You can make this possible. Your support can help others like Dodi with the training, resources, and encouragement they need to advance the gospel. You could provide transportation for long journeys and discipleship materials and sustain their outreach. A gift of $48 will support a church planter for an entire week. A gift of $208 will sustain a church planter for a month. To start 2025, we are prayerfully asking partners like you to provide $50,000 and send 20 church planters to unreached people groups.