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Maranatha Child Development Center

The Maranatha Child Development Center is located in Bacolod City, on the island of Negros in the Philippines. The major industry on the island is work on sugar cane farms. Unfortunately, this is only available for seven months out of the year. Many people work as carpenters, laborers, drivers, and vendors making an average $1 to $3 per day. The children live in huts with sand floors, which lack running water, indoor toilets, beds, stoves, and refrigerators. Malnutrition leads to health problems such as tuberculosis and bronchitis. The Maranatha Childcare Center was established by AMG to help these children physically and spiritually. The feeding program provides children with nutritious meals while teachers instruct mothers in nutrition, hygiene, and in the Bible. The Maranatha Childcare Center is spreading the Good News of Jesus and helping people in the community grow into mature disciples of Christ.