Paliparan Child Development Center
The Paliparan Child Development Center is located on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. Around 35% of this community is unemployed and 15% are working part-time jobs. Most men end up in construction by default and most women sell food in the market or do laundry for others. Paliparan is part of a government relocation project helping those who are hoping to find better jobs. Sanitation is a real problem, leading to malnutrition, colds, fever, asthma, and pneumonia. The Visionaries Christian Church is an outreach that AMG has partnered with in the Paliparan area. This church saw the considerable needs of the families and envisioned a childcare center as means to broaden its witness in the area. Children are eating hot meals, receiving a good education, and learning about Jesus. Parents are opening up their homes and allowing Christian workers to share the Gospel with them, and God’s grace is opening up the hearts of the people.