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Sinar Kasih Child Development Center

Sinar Kasih Child Development Center is located in a rural area on Eastern Java. The village is surrounded by rice paddies and other farmland. The area is economically depressed. It is difficult to find work other than farming, which only pays about $1 a day and only gives work six months out of the year. Their homes are typically made from bamboo and thatched roofs with no running water or electricity. This center was established to meet the basic needs of the malnourished children in this depressed area. The children go to school six days a week and attend the childcare center two days a week. At the center, children memorize a Bible verse every week while receiving meals and help with their homework. The center also allows the children to learn and improve basic life skills with the dedicated staff. 90% of the families are Muslim and they see the impact the center makes in their child. Many have started coming to church where they learn about Christ.