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Carolynn Argyrides

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Carolynn Argyrides has been serving as an AMG missionary in Cyprus with her family, Stathis, Emily, Solomon, and Fanouris, since 1991. In 2014, her husband died after struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis for several years. Carolynn has since remarried and continues serving the Lord with her new husband, Robert, a re-born Christian from Saudi Arabia. Robert is very gifted in languages (Arabic, English, and German). He often volunteers as an interpreter and is a 24/7 caregiver at home for their two sons (ages 35 and 39) with Down syndrome. Their daughter, Emily, now lives in Canada. 

Carolynn's ministry focuses on ministering to widows and women facing crisis. She offers them hope through Jesus. She also continues her duties as a housewife and a mom for Solomon and Fanouris. 

"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last." - John 15:16