Theodore & Marina Kalogeropoulos

Theodore and Marina Kalogeropoulos serve with AMG International in Greece. They live in Athens, in Koropi and have two children, Dimitris and Natalia. Dimitris is married and he is working in the ministry and Natalia just graduated and she is working as a designer.
Theodore & Marina graduated from Greek Bible College and Theodore has an evangelistic and pastoral service positions in Greece and Toronto, Canada.
Theodore served as well as editor for the AMG's leading magazine and as Publishing Director at AMG's publishing house “O Logos".
Current ministries: Theodore's is working with Media Ministries, which includes directing TWRHellas Radio programs heard daily all over Greece, producing & presenting the television evangelistic program, "Zontas", through YouTube and the website, "".
Theodore is working to start spiritual centers in the cities of Serres & Thessaloniki, under the name “Metamorfosis”, and hopes to expand to other cities. At the same time, he is helping in Southern Bulgaria with Relief trips every so often and lately helping Ukrainian refugees in partnership with Discover-Life. Theodore also serves as an elder of the 2nd Greek Evangelical Church of Athens and preaches often in various churches. He is also a member of the Greek Missionary Conference.
Marina works in ministry, and she is also a founding member and co-organizer of the Southern Greece Women's Conference.
They also minister by leading and inspiring people to enjoy the fullness of life in Christ.
"...Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified..."
1 Corinthians 1:22
1 Corinthians 1:22