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Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are at risk. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities have been obscured on online material. AMA is national leader working in a high-risk area in Asia. His faith and ministry make it dangerous for his identity to be revealed. After finishing high school, AMA went to live with his sister in the city to look for work. After living there for four years, AMA had a dream in the middle of the night. He saw himself holding a Bible in front of many people. At that point in AMA’s life, he didn’t know anything about preaching but had spent time praying. AMA ignored the dream and continued with his life. He got married and had children. Then God sent a pastor into his life, who continually encouraged him to go to Bible school. AMA couldn’t ignore the calling any longer and spent three years learning about the Bible. He has now been serving the Lord for over a decade and enters rural areas, preaching the gospel to those who would never hear the Word of God otherwise. AMA lives in an impoverished area that does not support Christianity. It has been challenging in many ways for him and his family, including financially. Thank you for partnering with this family and their mission.
DOB: 02/02/1965