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Some of AMGs national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security the identities of this couple and their two children have been changed. L.N. states, "I was born into a Christian family and my parents had a strong desire to see me as a servant of God . But I never participated in church meetings". L.N. found that he could not live the sinful life he desired so left home and lived away from his family for six years. When he realized he had not found the peace and contentment he was searching for he returned home. One night when a Gospel meeting was being held in his village, he heard Job 15:4 being taught and his heart was opened. L.N. found peace, repented and confessed his sins. And, he accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. He also asked for forgiveness from his parents who welcomed him back and arranged a thanksgiving prayer meeting. After four years, God called him to full time ministry. He formed a small church in a idol-worshipping village and now there are 74 members regularly attending Sunday services. L.N. married a faithful and devoted woman who teaches Sunday School The couple feel that the children's ministry is the foundation for the development of the Church. So too, they are devoted to serving people in remote villages who are in need of the Gospel. Thank you for thoughtfully considering supporting this couple in their ministry efforts.