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Choton Das

Choton is a church planter in Bangladesh. He says, "I am Choton Das, Shubol Das. I come from Hindu family background. From my early age, I have come to know about Jesus Christ from Sunday school, AWANA, and camping program. Jesus came to this world for my sin and saved me from my sins. He gave his life on the cross and on the third day he rose from the dead. I believe Jesus is my Savior and I gave Him a place in my heart as my Lord. Jesus give His life to save me from the eternal punishment. I went to Bible College and Theological Seminary to know Jesus deeply. Jesus has opened the door of opportunity for me to serve him in a local church. Also, I have become the president of Shine youth committee in my Church. God is also using me among the children's programs. I would also like to say that God has blessed me with a faithful wife. Also, my mother lives with me, By the grace of God the Lord, ministry is going on well in Chittagong area. Please continue pray for me.
DOB: 12/12/1998