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Save Myanmar Project

The last weekend in March brought the deadliest day in Myanmar in the country’s capital as the police and military were suppressing protestors during the Armed Forces Day parade. These protests have been ongoing since February 1, 2021, when the Burmese military seized control of the government after the election that Ms. Suu Kyi’s National League of Democracy party won by a landslide. The military has now declared a year-long state of emergency. While trying to cope with the violence and oppression caused by the coup, Myanmar has now been hit with a deadly COVID-19 resurgence. Lack of military government oversight and support has left the general population more vulnerable to COVID-19. More than 200 ministers lost their lives from COVID-19 in Kalay Myo, TonZan, and Phaitoo. Within our partner network of pastors and church leaders, many have died with some families having to bury both parents and even siblings all in the same week. The lack of government support has greatly limited access to food, water, and even oxygen tanks for those suffering from COVID-19. The situation is very desperate, but you can help. Through AMG partners we have access to a network of church leaders through whom we can distribute much-needed funds, food, and other resources to those in the most need. By partnering with AMG, you can meet the deepest needs, physical and spiritual, of those we are serving. You can inspire hope, restore lives and rebuild communities in Jesus’ name. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this urgent endeavor? Together, we can make a significant difference in people’s lives and the impacted communities while serving as the hands and feet of God. Please make a gift to AMG’s Save Myanmar Project today.