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Getsemani Child Development Center

The Getsemani Child Development Center is located in the city of San Pedro on the edge of beautiful Lake Atitlan. San Pedro has about 12,000 inhabitants, most of whom are of the Tzutujil group of Mayan Indians. Over 75% are living in poverty, causing many to turn to drugs and alcohol. Most work in agricultural activities or making and selling traditional clothing. The Getsemani Baptist Church saw the need for better education and, on faith, built a school. Soon AMG International partnered with them to help more needy children and their families. The children come to the center Monday – Friday for 5 hours. Two days a week Bible Lessons are taught for an hour, and every day the children hear a devotion. The children receive a snack in the morning and lunch before they return home. Getsemani Church and the Childcare Center have made a huge impact on this community for Christ and continue to share the hope Christ brings.