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Yalu Nim Jay Child Development Center

The Yalu Nim Jay Child Development Center is situated in a rural area located in the central region of Guatemala. Founded by Mano con Mano Health Reach and now a part of the AMG family of ministries, Nim Jay means “Big House” in the native language and refers to our large center there. The population of Yalu is mostly made up of Kaqchikel Mayan Indian subsistence farmers making very little money. The poverty rate is over 60%. Many children begin working at an early age to help their families make ends meet and often times parents do not understand the importance of education to the future of their children. Nim Jay offers young people in Yalu nutritious meals, a Bible-based education program, scholarships and school supplies, a clinic, and spiritual formation/discipleship. Each year the students will attend Camp Canaan for one week where many come to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Over the years the program has also completed many valuable community projects including replacement of the local water system, many bathrooms and beds installed in homes and a stove project, helping to precent lung disease from toxic cooking smoke inside homes. A pre-natal program has also assisted many expectant mothers.